Lemon Balm has been the one plant that we have had an abundance of when we grow herbs. It started about 2021 when we got some Lemon Balm plants and since then it continues to return each year with such a vengeance. To which, I won’t complain!!! I love the smell of lemon balm. But the past few years, I have just been drying it to save for the apothecary. I am over flowing with the apothecary side and now we need to figure out some new recipes!!! Let’s start now!
Lemon Balm Jelly
2-3 Cups lemon balm leaves
4 cups water
1/2 cup lemon Juice
1.75 oz dry pectin
4 cups sugar
- Take your lemon balm and place in a jar. Boil 4 cups of water and pour over the lemon balm. Let it steep overnight.
2) Next morning, Get the water bath canner filled and started on the stove!
3) Strain lemon balm mix. Placing the liquid (its basically tea now) in a pot on the stove and add lemon juice and pectin.
4) Bring to a roiling boil!
5) Add sugar all at once and stir until dissolved. Bring back to a roiling boil.
6) Stir for 2 minutes.
7) Remove from the heat and, if necessary, skim any foam. Add to jelly jars and clean rims. Place lids and bands on finger tight.
8) Process for 10 minutes in water bath canner.
9)Remove from water bath canner and let it sit on the counter for 24hrs!
So if you haven’t seen a theme, we are going heavy on the jelly front this year! Trying new recipes and seeing what we like! I am typically a jam person but making Jelly has been an absolute blast. With our abundance of Lemon Balm, I wanted to try a few different recipes. I can make all the medicinal products I would like but I wanted to try some every day use. So this was the first one!!! The next one we will be sharing soon!
Jelly is a great product to make on your own and not have to purchase from the store. If you use pectin, you truly are only spending 1 hr at most of your time, when making this.