Typically I use this platform to keep family in the loop that are no longer close to us in distance. Its been one of my highlights to sit down and write out what is going on knowing that maybe this will help them feel close to us. I usually talk about the homestead and don’t worry we will get back to that but this week I wanted to take the time to update the family on a different part of our lives. My candle business!!! So lets get an update!
For the past few months, I, Mandy, have been feeling the need to grow this business but in ways I knew I personally couldn’t do it alone. I have been trying to make strides to change and boost the social media side of things. Part of it is that I am not the social media person. I have really pulled back on posting and just being in that realm. More so because life has called me to do so but also I just have had a lack of drive. But obviously that’s not necessarily going to help a business front. So I pushed on and continued to try and do better than I have been. Not much has changed. I have been obviously blessed in the business, just not reaching my goals.
This past week we took the step and I made a consulting appointment with a friend. She does the social media marketing world way better than I could ever attempt to. So why not go to someone that I know can help. This talk has lead to some huge changes and I seriously see the need but the amount of work was daunting. But with God and my husband by my side, we pushed through.
We are soon going to launch a whole rebranding!!!! We are leaving the Bakers Treasures name behind and going forward will be called L&R Aromas. After Landon and my father Randy. Our friend was very upfront and said we will have a lot of explaining to do for the name but we can work with it. So to add a personal side to this name really gave some comfort on the change. We plan to continue with the same products but even how to do a lot of things will change.
Jeremy and I have spent the past week busting our butts and can comfortably say we have crossed off so many projects. We have a little more to do before we can change everything to L&R Aromas but the fact that we got a lot done in a week, is very impressive. We have really taken the time to put a little more into the candle business lately and we would love if you would join us in prayers for continued growth. This has been a huge passion of mine and truly are praying it takes off even more!
A simple blog post this round but its a big change in our lives!