What a stinking month fam. What a stinking month. I don’t even know how to describe the month that we just had so I figured blogging about it would be the best route. It was a crazy low kinda feel for us that ended with some high notes. At the current moment I am praying that we are back on track for the good days instead. So let’s dive in.
It all started on August 24th. This will be the fastest part of our month. Haha. The kids and I took a trip to PA to get some candle stores stocked with their new Fall and Winter scented candles. We were so excited to take time in the small Shasta Daisy camper and the visit flew by. We came home on Sunday the 28th and took the time to unpack and get ourselves settled in. During the time we were away, Jeremy was busy dealing with someone trying to cause obstacles into our lives. But that man handled it all way such class and poise. Let’s be real, I would have been a mess if this happened while we were home. So I truly sit back and thank God that Jeremy was home to take care of it all for me.
Anywho, we spent the next two days doing our every day tasks around the house and homestead. Then Tuesday the 30th, I turned to Jeremy and immediately said “I am about to go into a cyclical vomiting episode. I got too happy.” With his standard hope he said “I mean I really hope that feeling is wrong but thank you for the heads up.” Sadly at 2:30 am, my golden hour, I woke up and instantly knew this wasn’t good. My feelings from the night before were correct, I was going into an episode right there and then. This episode was rough. I would think that I was making improvement and then I would fall back into the episode stronger than the day before. It took until the following Tuesday, September 6th, until I finally finished the full blown episode.
Great, a week long episode that didn’t land me into the hospital. You would think that meant good things, right? Wrong. Let’s be real, if you see a question like that in a blog or book, you know its not going to end up right. It’s going to be a rough road from there. Anywho. The next day, Wednesday September 7th, I woke up and once again I didn’t feel good. I thought the episode was continuing, I was panicking. It ended up just lasting 3 hours of nausea in the morning and then I felt fine to continue on with the day. Ok perfect I was ok with this being a moment until I woke up the next day and the same thing happened. Once again I had a week long struggle of being nauseated every morning from 1-3 hours of the morning. This went until September 13th.
The biggest struggle though was the fact that we went on vacation with family September 11th-15th. I spent some mornings just being slow to get out of bed because of the nausea. But once I was up I was able to move on with the day. We thankfully were able to enjoy a lot of time in Williamsburg and visiting all of the buildings that were open. I had been slowly working on recovering back to my normal self.
We made the trip home on Thursday the 15th and once we got home we immediately unpacked and started getting ourselves cleaned up from the trip. The next day we were so excited to hang out with some of our friends and the kids were able to see some of the kids they are friends with down here. Then that night we went to the livestock auction to sell off some of our rabbits. But let’s be real, we were weak and purchased a guinea pig for Bentley. Y’all this guinea pig is a gift from heaven. She puts up with his crazy ideas and his time of learning how to not handle a guinea pig. He still has some work on this one but you can tell he is trying. He spent the first night sleeping on the floor so he could be next to his new best friend.
The next few days we spent the time getting our errands done, a picnic, chiropractor appointments, karate for the kids, homeschooling, weed whacking, cleaning up, making butter, making bone stock and running for feed. The week was long but every day we slowly accomplished simple every day tasks. But it wasn’t until this past weekend that finally my body was back to its normal self. This entire week we did so much but I had to it in steps. Weed whacking the garden alone took 3 mornings to do. Its something I have learned is that I need to slowly go with what my body needs and this week it was to be slow!
This weekend though was so much fun. Oh my goodness I didn’t know how much I needed to be able to do my normal weekend tasks. We manage to run to the market, grab some groceries, big bonfire, picking the garden and mowing the yard on Saturday. But Sunday I had planned for building a new goat fence, cleaning out the burn barrel (its the one that’s full of broken junk left by the previous owner) and continuing the bonfire. Sadly yet again that was not the only things we ended up doing.
We woke up Sunday and took it easy. It was the best slow start to the morning. I headed out to the animals first and decided to start feeding them before Jeremy could get out. That’s when everything went down hill. I fed our big fence of turkeys, chickens and ducks first so they would quiet down while I got to everyone else. They truly can be loud when they want their morning feed. As I was about to check the Peacock and Chicken coop if they needed feed, that’s when it went south. We literally had 2 chickens alive and the rest were laying dead in the coop. A raccoon, for the second night in a row, managed to get into the coop and attacked our chickens. We believed we had fixed the issue the night before but sadly we did not. They managed to figure out a new way and only left two birds alive. The poor roosters fought really hard to keep everyone safe but they did not succeed. We spent the next few hours completely uprooting their coop and moving it into the big fence. Once we got the whole structure set we put the two surviving chickens and the 2 peacocks their coop once again. Now they have double fencing protection and we are now going to figure out how we can try to deter the pests.
A heart breaking moment for us on the homestead. We are praying that we won’t continue to loose any more animals but we know it sadly is something that happens at times. At the current moment we do not have any plans on replacing the chickens but at the same time this may be something we end up doing. I think the incident is too fresh for us to fully figure out what we need to do as our next move.
A crazy month. A crazy season. Praying for some fun times soon!