So it Begins...

So it Begins...

Oh what a joy it is to say that our fall garden has begun! It’s a huge mix of emotions to get to this point right now. I cant even begin to explain into depth just how I feel but I will surely try!

First off this is my absolute first attempt at a fall garden. If you read previous blog post then you know that I never realized that there’s such a thing as a fall garden. I truly was excited to hear that I could actually grow for longer periods of time in the year. My garden season went from 4 months (I always thought April- July) to at least 7 months. All depends on the weather and when the first frost appears. But still I gained 3 months time to being able to garden!!! Im so excited for that!!!!

Now with the new attempt at the garden let me also add that I do not actually fully know what I am doing. I have researched and I have been mentally trying to plan the garden but I truly am a hands on learner. With that I really just needed to get into the garden and start planting seeds. We had some rain in the forecast so my first questionable plan was to plant all the seeds ( or as much as possible) into the garden before the rain came in hopes the rain will help the seed to set up some roots and a sprout. This may have been a gamble and I truly am praying it wasn’t but we will be finding out in a few days.

Here is the list of items that we have managed to plant. Also we did plant a wide variety of the items. Not every item has a variety but a good portion of them do! We planted:

Brussel Sprouts

We still plan to plant more items but some will have to be in the ground to which that means more work to be done in the garden. Once we get the next round of plants planted then we will have to update again.

For the time being we have managed to get some of the garden started so we are going to wait and see if it was the perfect timing or not. Then from there we will add to the garden to either resow or to add to the garden. Finally we have to add onto the garden still so we plan to try to do so during the winter if possible. Lots to work on here with just the garden but that’s completely ok with me!

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