The start of a new year can make so many people feel excited to take on new projects. Ones they may have been pushing off. Ones that they may just have come up with. I for one have a few fun small projects planned for in the house. That list composes of:
New canning shelves
Paint the walls
Coffee Bar
New shelves in the Pantry
New shelves in the Laundry Room
Now the list for the Homestead is way way longer! I don’t even think we remember all the projects. It’s that long! But our current list is the following ( a very shortened list):
New Chicken Coops
New Goat Fence
Make Raised Garden Beds
Order Seeds
Start Seeds
Make a new Drainage system for outside.
Since we moved it we have started to notice that we have a lot of mud going on! Now we know that some of this is because the amount of rain we have been having this year and lots of other homesteaders have been having the same issue. But we also have noticed that we have the drain off from all of our neighbors. Im talking the ones on both sides of use and across the street. We have the main water drain going through our house. Just about 4 weeks ago we had to clear out a section of our woods and dig our little creek so the drain would go to the woods not the duck fence. Obviously the ducks truly didn’t mind but we really couldn’t continue to have the water back up and flood out the rest of our land. So we have decided to try and make a lot of new drainage ways to try and direct the rain. That truly feels like its the top of our to do list but in reality it sadly is not.
We may have preordered a lot of chickens, ducks, and turkeys for this coming March. Jeremy was able to find my dream chicken (yes thats a thing) and preordered them! Now he has to work on making lots of new coops and moving our current coops. My favorite part about this isn’t the fact that we are getting a bunch of new chicken types (don’t get me wrong thats a close second) but its to see how Jeremy’s brain works. He truly comes up with some really amazing designs for the homestead that I wouldn’t typically think of creating. So for right now we are in need of getting the chicken coops made and from there we will do the ducks and turkey section.
The last project that we truly need to get done and have a deadline with is the garden! I have slowly been saving all of our paper towel and toilet paper rolls for starting seeds. My goal is to use this for the start and hopefully be able to plant directly into the garden when they are ready. But before all of that we need to buy seeds. This year my goal is to purchase vegetables for straight eating, canning, and freezing. Also I would love to plant some herbs and flowers to grow a medicinal use. I truly love being able to make a lot of our own items. Its one of my main goals to be able to make a good portion of our items from scratch. So to start I will work on putting in a seed order. But not fully sure what will be next. Both are needed right away, to make the raised garden bed and to start the seeds. For now though I will be working on finding out what soil is the best fit for us!
We have so much going on here at the homestead but we truly are excited to see where this year leads us. This is the first year that we have had such a big garden, flock of animals, and possibilities. But this year is going to be an amazing one! We are ready to give back to our community!