Hey Fam!!!
It has been quite a while since we have had a blog post up, hasn’t it? Well let me be honest, I have been struggling so much with my health and then I have been blessed with about a month of calmer time from the health front. So all of that leads to how we have been handling life lately.
For the month of November it seemed that I may have only had about 3 days of nausea moments. I call it moments because literally it took me maybe one round of meds and then I was feeling back to my normal self. So that was probably the smoothest time I have had since I don’t know when. It has been a rollercoaster ride trying to deal with this but I am so thankful for this break. It truly feels like you have a sense of rebuilding in the strength department and can be ready for the next round. I am not hoping for a next round but I am feeling a little more prepared to fight the episode.
With the health being pretty decent and slow, I have been taking the time to do a lot more with my family. We had Thanksgiving at our house with some of our friends and I made about a good 90% of the items for our families to eat. Jeremy helped with a few things but mainly took care of the turkey. For that I made sure to take half the work and prepped the day before. Then I finished the side dishes on Thanksgiving day. Also during this time, I have been trying to decorate the house for the kids. They are absolutely obsessed with Christmas and decorations so we are taking the time to make all of the decor to have a special season.
Coming up we have a few fun things planned and I am genuinely looking forward to them! First the kids want to have a baking day to make their karate friends some cookies. We also spend Christmas Eve making a big batch of cookies for our freezer. This year we also are planning to get together with some of our friends for a cookie decorating day with the kids. Lastly we have one more family get together with our bonus family. Not fully sure what the plans are for that one but we will be figuring that out soon!
Also I am trying to figure out what I want to make for the neighbors this year too. I have 3 neighbors to give some baked goods to but still haven’t narrowed it down to what I want to do. I am tempted to keep with the cookie theme or do I skip that and do something else? Who knows!
Lastly, we have planned to have a sourdough baking days soon to stock up the freezer. I am thinking it would be nice to have so many options available in the freezer of sourdough for the summer. I want to be able to take a break from sourdough in the middle of our big harvest time and then restock next fall. Also I do plan to make sourdough items when they actually are wanted. So maybe I want to make granola or cookies or a different kind of cinnamon roll, the plan is to be able to make those when we want them. Otherwise I would like to have a stock of items in the freezer and pull out as needed. I know this may not keep all of the benefits of sourdough but if you’re fighting your body to make the items, its doing as much damage as it would be if I put the items in the freezer.
So nothing too crazy over here but we are taking the time to be together and relaxing. Hopefully we will be back to blogging again. I just hit a point of rock bottom and needed to do whatever I felt like while I figured out my next steps. But we are here now. Let’s see where this takes us!