New Year and Starting Off Strong

New Year and Starting Off Strong

We have been home for a whole 3 days (writing this on Sunday) and we have immediately gotten back into the swing of things. This will be a short update for you all but we obviously wanted to tell you all about the last few days as it was simple tasks but needed tasks! 


We started with planning the entire garden and sadly have come to the conclusion that we may need to invest some money into purchasing a greenhouse. At the current moment we haven’t fully decided on which one we wanted to get but we have time. That will be our biggest project and goal this year. We spent some time with friends on our trip and it was slowly becoming obvious that we needed to make the investment for some of our plants to actually have the chance to fully bloom. For example, our luffa always produces but never has the chance to fully dry out on the vine. This may give us a little more time to further the drying process. 


Once we got the garden fully planned out, we managed to star some seeds and we are hoping to see if we can do low tunnels in the current garden space. We have a lot of seeds for items that do well in the cold temps but we are also trying to experiment with seeing how well they do with our temps. It may not be a guaranteed thing that each produce item will survive but we wanted to give it a shot! 


Lastly Jeremy has been working hard on cleaning up around the homestead. He made some paths for all of the rain to drain away from all the animals. This will help especially the goats to be able to not have such muddy conditions. He also started cleaning out the goat fence that we have not been using so it can be ready for the girls to move over and clean the one they are currently in. He has done more than this but Im going to be honest, I completely forget what all he has done. But it’s been a lot! 


For the next few projects we have the following things to do: 

Clean the goat fences

Clean out the goat shed (was used for rabbits and now need to be cleaned out) 

Put weed barriers down in the garden

Take down the roof of a hoop house

Move our small hoop house 

Move all the leaf piles 

Finish the Rabbit cage 


This list will honestly probably be done fast compared to some of the items we have planned for the year. But also some items need to be done ASAP. We have a few things with dead lines and those will be the items that we start with first. It is safe to say finishing with cleaning out the goat fences will be first though. The goats need some nice land! 

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