This is probably the most entertaining thing to do is to sit back and reflect on what we have accomplished this year. We truly could not have done any of this without Gods timing! A lot of our supplies for buildings came in his timing, tools purchased from his grace and timing and just friends coming into the picture with his timing. So many factors but it was only through God that it was possible.
To start off the year we learned how to make our very own chicken broth from chickens that we raised. Shortly after we started actually hatching, growing and processing our own chickens so we could truly have the entire broth process made through our homestead (aside from veggies and spices). We also learned a lot more on the whole process of canning and really expanded our ability to preserve for the winter months. I can safely say that we have so many jars full of goods on the shelf and I cannot wait to see what we actually really use up.
Animals were probably our biggest growth this year too. We have raised many baby bunnies, chickens, turkeys, ducks, and quail. Also we grew our goat flock for the sole purpose of having milk! On a not so farm related animal growth we also welcomed two new dogs into our household and they have been the sweetest girls Ive ever met! But back to the homestead front we actually started the journey into raising pigs for our family too. We plan to continue to grow the pig population but that’s going to take some time.
The biggest adventure for myself though would have to be that we started a garden from scratch and truly flourished in what grew. We have never tried to grow a garden so big but we truly were very excited to see what all we managed to grow. There were vegetables, herbs, fruit and flowers grown in the garden. My methods were probably not the best and I truly have so much to learn but that’s kind of the joys of trying. I continue to find out what works for me and what does not. But the main goal I continue to remind myself is to have fun during the process. I truly cant wait to grow some peas next year though. That’s the one item that I did not get the change to plant this year and its my goal to plant it!
The last thing that really changed for us is all that we managed to build. A lot of these projects we wouldn’t have been able to do without the help of some friends and family. We managed to build a lot of new rabbit houses, 2 chick sheds, 3 chicken houses, our garden beds, goat fences and houses, a goat birthing shed, and lastly a pig housing section. Lots of our friends helped with cleaning out the brush that was left from the previous owner and truly is something we continue to try to contain. But without the help I truly don’t think we would have been able to get as far as we have.
There truly is so much more that I probably forgot when writing this but I have to say that at least overall we can say we have been blessed. We managed to find some items we truly could use to help us around the homestead on discounts and prices that we could afford. This year truly has taught us to once again talk to the Lord and do the works we feel he is calling us to do. Yes we may not always do what he says but I have to say I think that’s the joys of this journey. We are working on learning how to listen to The Lord when he speaks. But we are also learning to trust The Lord and his timing. I have prayed for many things but I need to remember it is in The Lords timing that those things will happen. There are so many goals for next year but the one I hope we remember the most is to look to The Lord.