I’m not fully sure how we have made it to 13 years of marriage but here we are. Today to be exact. We have officially reached 13 years together and I will openly say, I am so stinking thankful to have made it this far. I really can’t wait to see how the rest of our marriage goes but sheesh 13 is crazy amazing.
Jeremy and I have had our share of ups and downs in our marriage. From moving technically 4 times to adding countless of animals to the family. From struggling with pregnancies to struggling with my health. We have been through so much but slowly have been making our marriage stronger.
There was a point in our marriage where we were struggling so much with not being rude and negative to each other. It seemed like every day we were at each others throats and not getting along. We would resolve one issue to only fall into the next. Continuously fighting when we truly didn’t need to be fighting so much. But finally things changed and we both grew closer together.
Since moving to NC, Jeremy and I have been relying on each other more than we used to in the past. We realized that, especially being away from friends and family, we had no one else to turn to to help us through whatever was going on. To which was needed but at the same time a little nerve wrecking since your support system isn’t with you. So through this move we truly depended on each other. To which is something we needed as we entered some of the more difficult times of my health journey. Ever since moving I have been experiencing more episodes than I have in the past.
With all of this ups and downs I think we have come to realize that we are each others best friends. We are the person that’s going to support, fighting for, encourage and strengthen our spouse in any way that is needed. Our view point of our marriage shifted and that has been the biggest benefit for us.
I’m keeping this post short and vague because honestly I want to spend the day with my spouse. Haha. But I just wanted to take a moment and say, I love you Jeremy. Thank you for 13 years of marriage. I will take the ups and downs along the way but I look forward to crossing future struggles with you beside me. I can’t wait to see how our marriage will turn out and how we will continue to work alongside each other. With 13 years under the belt, lets keep climbing that number! Love you dear!